Thursday, March 4, 2010

Learning From Blog Duit

In this internet marketing jungle I am a total newbie. I am confused an lost. There are so many information outhere, I read and I learn and here I am, "information overload".

Alhamdulillah I found another  tutorial bisnis online  (online business tutorial). The blog belongs to a blogger named Kang Kombor. I used to follow his article on Multiply. In his blog "BlogDuit",  he shares his knowledge and experience about making money online, for example with a programm called autoblog amazon.
He also generously provides a free ebook  ebook autoblog amazon .
I hope this will help me. It seem his tutorial is easy to follow with clear steps to take. Let me learn from you,  Kang Kombor!


Anonymous said...

Mari kita sama-sama belajar, Mbak. Saling berbagi pengetahuan.

Terimakasih atas reviewnya.